Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ever Feel like each year your AGE is fighting against you?

We can help you fight back!
Many adults have discovered that with each passing year comes a new ache, pain, or injury. As our lives get more hectic, schedules get more booked up, and time becomes more precious, we tend to devote less time and attention to our health and to exercise. But exercise is precisely what we need to keep our daytime energy levels up and to keep away those pesky aches and pains!

Research has shown that many of the common ailments of both adult men and women can be controlled through regular exercise. However, when starting a new exercise program, it’s important to keep certain things in mind to help avoid aggravating those everyday aches and pains or sustaining other injuries:

1) Avoid training when you are tired. This is your body’s way of telling you that you need rest, and might cause you to be more susceptible to injury.

2) If you experience pain when you are exercising – stop! It’s normal to “feel the burn,” but not to feel the pain.

3) Tone down your exercise program for the day if your muscles are feeling stiff from previous workouts or hard labor.

4) Introduce new activities gradually – if you are not familiar with an exercise or are trying it for the first time, take it slow.

5) Make sure that you stay hydrated – before, during and after your workout.

With the Velocity Fitness program, we will:

Warm you up with an active dynamic warm-up to wake up those muscles, get your heart pumping and help ward off potential injuries.

Increase your stamina during exercise by focusing on energy system development. We’ll work on building up your energy system to help you last longer while you participate in aerobic activity.

Make you stronger. Want to increase your muscle tone? Get an over-all leaner look? Or even protect yourself against bone loss that comes with Osteoporosis? The strength training portion of Velocity Fitness is just what you need.

While it may seem like introducing a new exercise program might introduce new aches and pains, in reality, a regular exercise program can help alleviate the ones you may already have. In addition, a regular exercise program can help prevent chronic health problems that tend to appear later in life, such as high blood pressure, Type II Diabetes, high cholesterol levels, arthritis, and even depression. At Velocity Sports Performance, our Velocity Fitness adult program is just what the doctor ordered, not only to help you feel better, but also to provide a little fun and variety to your exercise program!

You CAN slow down the aging process. So let’s get moving!

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