Thursday, March 6, 2008

Protecting that Knee, PART 3 - Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises

Addressing foundations for performance and injury prevention, the following components are building blocks for the Active-Dynamic Warm-Up with examples of exercises that comprise the training.

Transit Mobility Exercises Movement with range of motion emphasis and progressive intensity over a measured distance. For example:

Forward/Backward/Lateral Skipping, Running Build-Ups, Walking Knee Hugs, Walking Quadriceps Stretch, Straight Leg Marching, Lateral Slides, Backward Strides, Walking Lunges, Skips and Scoops.

Muscle Activation Exercises – Waking the muscles up – neuromuscular activation and coordination of muscle groups. For example:

Forward/Lateral Body Weight Squats, Forward/Lateral/Backward/Crossover Lunges, Supine Straight Leg Raises, Prone Superman’s, Supine Hip Lifts (hamstrings), Donkey Kicks, Kneeling Hip Circles.

Dynamic Mobility Exercises – Stationary movement activities involving neuromuscular activation with core stability and flexibility focus. For example:

Mountain Climbers, Thrusts, Supine Leg Swings across the body, Hamstring Rockers, Standing Frontal and Sagittal Leg Swings.

Balance and Stability - For Example:

Single Leg Balance for Time, Single Leg Balance Quarter Squat Position, Standing Single Leg Toe Touches with Trail Leg Countermovement, Balance Single Leg Hops.

An example of the Active-Dynamic Warm-Up

Low intensity Transit Exercise
- Forward Low Skip (down the field and back) – 20-30 yards

Balance & Stability Exercise
- Single Leg Balance for :20-:30 each leg.

Moderate Transit Exercise
- Half Speed Buildup Run (down and back) – 30 yards
- Lateral Low Shuffle (down and back 1x each direction) – 20-30 yards

Muscle Activation
- Forward Lunge – 5x each
- Backward Lunge – 5x each

Transit Exercise
- Walking Knee Hugs (down) – 15-20 yards
- Walking Quadriceps Stretch (back) – 15-20 yards

Dynamic Mobility Exercise
- Thrust – 5-10x
- Mountain Climbers – 5-10x
- Groiner – 5-10x

Transit Exercise
- ¾ Speed Buildup Run (down) – 30 yards
- Backward Skip (back) – 30 yards

Muscle Activation Exercise
- Body Weight Squats – 5-10x
- Body Weight Squat Drops – 5x

Balance & Stability Exercise
- Standing Single Leg Toe Touches with Trail Leg Countermovement
- Single Leg Hops In Place (sit back in the hips, keep the knee behind the toe)

Transit Exercise
- Full Speed Buildup Run (down and back) – 30 yards

With a little preparation, attention, and focus, a coach can elevate the warm-up into a component of practice that will develop physical foundations for physical development and injury prevention.